A very common question people ask is why do some people see spirits or ghosts but others do not. I thought I had already answered this question before on The Occult Blogger however after scouring the blog I have found that there no specific post on the topic, rather there are hints on what my point on the subject is rather than actually answering the question.
This is my full assessment on the question..
The human mind and spirit really are amazing, in order to function fully as a human humans often are taught from a very early age what is real and what is not..
This is true in most cultures, however in this post I will touch on western culture in focus as within western culture we are taught at a young age that what we cannot touch, see or hear as an experience is NOT real.
This relates to most experiences anyway unless science has another explanation.
This conditioning is perceived on almost all levels including most of those that believe in religion as what is real reality.
However, what if reality is partly conditioned by belief and conditioning of belief? In that case reality would be shaped a bit differently to those that have beliefs outside of some of those rational constructs of reality ( feel, sight, sound ) I mentioned before.
Basic Image above illustrating how three controls in life limit spiritual growth.
Do you often wonder why those that believe in God or Jesus have visions of Jesus or God..? Or that those that believe in Buddha have visions or experiences of that particular belief.
While that does not mean what they are experiencing is wrong, it simply means that conditioning aligned them to some degree to that experience. You see the beauty of spiritual experience is that it is always happening, it is just that we blind ourselves to what really is going on..
By believing in something it makes it more likely to have some type of experience which aligns with that belief many times in a lifetime. Now here is the crutch of the whole concept of this is that all these experiences happen because they are opening themselves up to those experiences and accepting them with there mind as they are there understanding of reality.
Thus a Christian seeing Jesus or a Buddhist seeing Buddha is them having an experience based on there conditioning of belief.
This is a door based on how the mind is conditioned. A spiritual door. Basically un-tapping the Occult aspect of yourself, the unknown. Meditation being a perfect example of opening higher levels of consciousness.
So, in reality it does not matter if a person sees Jesus or Buddha or simple white light, neither religion or experience is the one true belief, instead belief itself is a door opening parts of the mind to experiences that a person can handle that aligns with that persons belief system.
I hope that makes sense…
This means that all these experiences are real as perceived by the reality of those that experience them, however belief molds the outcome of that experience in reality.
Okay, so now that I have covered that concept, you are probably wondering on the question at hand, why do some people see spirits or ghosts, well this totally correlates to this topic.
If you believe in ghosts or have lived in a haunted house you become open to a different beliefs of that reality. If you do not, then the door often remains closed. In other words the mind is a filter for reality.
That goes with all types of spirits, this does not mean that we want to go and change the conditioning of ourselves or that it is easy to do.
Do not get me wrong, over 90% of us would hate to be able to have this experience of seeing a ghost or ghosts. It is not fun and like most that have it, they feel like it is something that is more distracting than beneficial.
So, to break this all down, the main reason why some people do not see spirits is that there mind does not believe in them based on early conditioning and two that they are afraid mentally to believe.
Fear closes doors in the mind..
That is okay, the mind will protect those that are afraid of having experiences outside there belief system, it has defenses for this. However to some others who are born with the ability to see ghosts or to someone who throws away old conditioning it can leave them open, the mind open more to that experience potentially in the future, if they choose to pursue it that is.
In a way it is like a little kid before any major conditioning, they can have myriads of experiences with spirits or ghosts and as they grow up these types of experiences tend to fad with belief and mental conditioning.
Okay, so that is it with this topic, if you have questions on this topic further then shoot your questions below, if not do not forget to subscribe or browse our site..
If this was true it would mean that if a deity decideed to come bursting through the sky to judge humanity all of the atheists would be completely oblivious to it. They wouldn’t believe it so they wouldn’t seee it.
Why do you consider this a more likely possibility than the reverse: that people who see spirits are so keen to believe that they mistake perfectly ordinary phenomena for apparitions? Considering the wealth of docuimentary evidence supporting similar effects within the mind this seems almost certain to be true. Why do you dismiss this without even a mention?
Hey Chris,
If you are referring to the mind dying creating this experience alone, well that could be possible however there are many elements towards my theory. And many correlations from peoples experiences that say otherwise. There is always a common story. While the mind i am sure is amazing, these stories are usually described as more vivid an experience in comparison to the mind simply dying and creating a hallucination. In fact it has been documented that this experience is common in those with perfect minds. Those that are simply dying for another reason ( could be anything ) and where the mind should not play such a big role of say hallucination. Because of all the correlations and testimonies on the subject it gives it much more support.
“many correlations from peoples experiences that say otherwise”
100,000 Portuguese people swore that they saw the sun crash down out of the sky at Fatima. This is part of why psychologists have spent the last seven decades showing up just how unreliable our testimony is. Look up Solomon Asch’s conformity experiments and you’ll immediately see why correlative accounts don’t hold as much sway as you think they do.
” these stories are usually described as more vivid an experience in comparison to the mind simply dying and creating a hallucination”
That’s not how our minds work. You don’t get to point to a more subjectively-vivid experience and insist that this gives it additional weight, because that’s fallacious.
“Because of all the correlations and testimonies on the subject it gives it much more support.”
Dead wrong, pun intended. Correlative testimony is only ever valid wen there is some form of objective corroboration, such as forensic data/physical evidence.
For example, you once mentioned an experience of your own, in which objects would go “missing” from around your home. Had you captured these objects being moved by an unseen force on video, you would have instantly garnered objective corroboration for your testimony. As it stands, you have nothing but your own malleable memories. The aforementioned psychological research instantly calls that “evidence” into question, and the null hypothesis is that it is incorrect until proven otherwise.
” this post subject is about spiritual doors and what the mind and spirit can handle in order to have a spiritual experience. ”
And I’m pointing out that this is not a question of the physical world, but of psychology and sociology. It is a cognitive effect, not a physical one.
“If the person has been subjected to a situation where the concepts are thrown on them of ghosts or dragons or basically anything this can play tricks in the mind, i do not disagree. That is mind tricks only. However that does not mean every time someone sees a spirit or ghost that it is because of mind tricks. ”
Until there is some evidence that the causal factors are different, that is precisely what it means. We have verified, proven evidence that such paranormal activities are produced psychologically and have no real, physical presence. We also have NO evidence that some examples of that activity DO have a physical presence. You are asking people to allow the speculation of this paranormal activity to be considered a viable physical effect, despite you having no evidence that it is real, and despite having plenty of evidence that it is nothing more than a psychological effect.
Why are you even on this website if all you’re here to do is just dismiss what he is saying. You obviously don’t believe, so go somewhere else. Some people here do. Believe it or not people have different beliefs than you.
Why do people feel the need to prove anything to anyone. You believe or you dont.
Hey Chris again,
I wanted to add that, this post subject is about spiritual doors and what the mind and spirit can handle in order to have a spiritual experience.
If the person has been subjected to a situation where the concepts are thrown on them of ghosts or dragons or basically anything this can play tricks in the mind, i do not disagree. That is mind tricks only. However that does not mean every time someone sees a spirit or ghost that it is because of mind tricks. Many people have experiences whether they are subjected to it as a thought or not.
Because it doesn’t work that way. Contrary to popular belief, those who believe in the Paranormal aren’t crazy. Or foolish enough to mistake perfectly normal events as supernatural phenomena.
And neither do they pretend , some may but all of them aren’t crazy or have brain injuries. You’re being horrible. Just because it doesn’t fit in with your world view Chris, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.
“Contrary to popular belief, those who believe in the Paranormal aren’t crazy. Or foolish enough to mistake perfectly normal events as supernatural phenomena. ”
Yes, they are. Simple noises are mistaken for ghostly-originating effects; missing items are attributed to poltergeists, rather than forgetfulness; odd camera/lighting effects are ascribed to “orbs” rather than simple things, like inconvenient insects or dust.
Ever heard of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima? Up to 100,000 people all mistook simple visual hallucinations and conformity bias for the disastrous collapse of the sun. These people, many of whom had been compelled to stare directly at the sun, were merely disoriented, partially-blinded, and coerced into thinking they saw what they later claimed to have seen. They mistook a perfectly normal event for a paranormal/supernatural one.
“You’re being horrible”
You’re just saying that in lieu of a rational argument. You’re trying to insult me because you don’t have a logical response to the effects mentioned, like psychological biases.
“Just because it doesn’t fit in with your world view Chris, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.”
And just because it DOES fit yours doesn’t mean that it DOES exist.
Now that we have that straw man out of the way, do you have any OBJECTIVE physical evidence that this stuff is real? Or, to put it another way, is all of the data you can find in support of these effects entirely dependent on malleable, unreliable human testimony?
hi i for 1 believe in the after life, when i was younger i lived with 3 spirits . the owner of the house years ago ,his name was mr,cummings , . i used to hear him grown while going down the stairs, then there was a girl , when we saw her she had a pink sweater on and blue jeans, my older sister saw the female spirit brush her hair in the mirror and then she put the brush down and disappeared from the door way, the 3rd spirit was my grandfather who
passed in 1982, i can remember that time i was crying in my bed and i heard him say “its ok” and i swore to never cry again. . 1 evening i was alseep and something came into my room opened my berrow draw and started throwing my clothes out , i didnt go near that for 3 days lol. we would all leave come back and every faucet was on ,ever cabinet door open , washing is full of water with no clothes in it ,, i could go on and on ,, but yes i believe in the after life 100%
Hey there,
Not sure why I’m replying to you in particular, but I have been experiencing paranormal activity and the effects are mainly within my IPhone.
I never believed this type of activity before, but I am now stuck for explanation.
Asides from the fact that there is an unidentified additional IPhone infiltrating my YouTube and Google account – that I could accept as rational.
However, I’ve signed this device out, changed the password, spoken to the guy in the phone shop, spoken with EE and not one person can explain this.
Erring on the rational, I thought I’d found the solution and signed out the unrecognisable device and changed my password.
Finally, after weeks of having my downloads altered, songs replayed on YouTube radio from another device without the three dots next to them (I was told this was impossible to occur when security only shows my device logged in) I thought it would stop as it was showing only one device – mine – logged in.
That night, I liked a song and it was instantly changed to dislike in front of my eyes. The repetitive replay every few songs on the YouTube radio continued From another device I could hear.
I was the only device logged in.
Can anybody explain this please?!
I have been seening things since I can remember and I did not ask for this…I hate it…
I totally understand, I’ve seen, heard etc spirits from my very first memories and hated it too but it sent me on my spiritual search (in my teens) to try and understand. All I can say is that for me it became a blessing in disguise and after MANY years of searching and putting together the jigsaw puzzle I found my pathway and my mentor and for that I’m thankful.
I have seen two things. The things I have I believe relatives just wanted to inform me on situations that were occuring. I am not afraid when I see the things.
Hi I am interested in talking with you about the seeing and connecting of spirits. I heard my son in heaven, years ago when he was a baby. I was not alone. The other person heard it too. He has/had that gift. It seems to me when I am with another energy being, same as me, these things are more possible. I need help in trying to connect again. Please reach out to me. my email is angelsarehigh@yahoo.com
Thanks for sharing! I totally agree with you b/c I’ve been having my ghostly and spiritual encounters from the age of 8 yrs old.. It is an amazing and intriguing phenomena
Please can you help me or give me some advice on how to connect? angelsarehigh@yahoo.com
Recently I installed video surveillance cameras in my house and one day at work I happen to flip to the view within my browser. Saw my wife walk from the kitchen and back into the bedroom but then strangely after she was out of site I saw a white light moving very rapidly off the walls and floor in different spots. It didn’t last long; maybe one minute or so and that was it. I actually have this recorded. It was about 7:00AM and there wasn’t any sunlight at my home at this time, so there’s no way light from the outside of the house would’ve reflected on areas in the hall where I saw it. If anyone knows where I can send this video to please let me know. I am very curious about this. I’m not afraid in the least. I cannot logically explain to myself what this is.
Thanks, sincerely,
Spencer M.
Post it on Youtube; I’ll see if I can help out
I have been having these experiences of seeing and feeling spirits near me, I have been experiencing this since i was a little girl, and I am 18, but i am confused why I am having this, was I blessed with this to do something with it or what? Any answers would be very helpful.
Hey Nikki,
Thanks for the comment, a lot of people who have this gift usually end up having to except it. One of my friends who is a psychic is much the same, she sees spirits a lot. My friend does readings for people for a living so that is what I mean by excepting.
What I suggest you do though, is try not to get upset about it, it will not help, instead start meditating regularly which will give you more control of yourself, plus it will attract the right conscious tuning as well.
As for myself I can say I’ve been seeing
Talking and feeling since I was four
As I grew I learned to hate it
The visions omg those are the worst and I learned that when I was given a vision it was to prepare me to help prepare who ever it was meant for
My first vision was that of my brother
Then of my own son
And my father as well as many many other people
I tune it off an when I do I’m not myself
I want to connect. In my experiences, I have been sent warnings from my passed love ones, and from dreams. I had the same dream 5 times of the Twin Towers in where I saw planes and the pilots were speaking in a foreign language . The dreams stopped after the Towers went down. If I could ask the spirits directly it would be much more helpful than looking for their signs. If anyone can help me please email me: angelsarehigh@yahoo.com Kalena
I tend to feel some one touch on my shoulder I don’t always jump when this happens I smile because only family have ever been in this house since the 1900’s .. I seen a lil boy cry at my door way n from time to time a large lady turns the lights off at the switch I don’t get scared I just thank her.. Also hear ppl n my daughter just sit there looking up at something or someone n giggle I embrace these spirits or how ever you choose to name them but my sisters (6) never hear see or feel any of this n call me crazy but it’s ok cause I know they are there n I’m never alone
Hey Angelina,
Thanks for the share, many find it hard to accept that they see spirits ( when sensitive ) so hearing from you that you have accepted that it happens sometimes is a much different positive perspective to share.
Hey Brenda,
Thanks for the comment. Some people get tuned into this more as they get older and there brain is changing. It is good to hear she is alert as well.
Of course make sure to let her doctor know as well, just in case..
I been seeing shit sence I was a lil boy ive had dreams were antities are tryn to get me like they always mess with me like they want me to know that there there or sum I need answers please
I have been seeing things since I was really really little. Most people say its because I went through the spirit veil before I came out of the womb. My aunt and great grandma say I need to use it in a beneficial way rather than have it become a distraction. We need to make a group or find a group for everyone to join whom is different. My aunt also said I should keep my gifts to myself because people will think I’m mad. My mother already doesn’t and never will, believe me. Ever since I was little. My mom and aunt were using the oujia board and a ghost said I was special. Then something happened and she is afraid of me I think.
I am a senior in high school. in english we are writing an analytic essay paper. Do you think I can find enough information for why do some people see and believe in ghosts and others don’t?
That’s a psychological/sociological topic, so you should probably check that it’s within the criteria for your allowed subject matter.
For an analysis of language, you’d probably be better off looking at how these supposedly-spiritual experiences are described by those who claim to experience them.
So I just beat cancer and I had been catching glimpses of spirits through the whole process and now spirits seem to be around me quite a bit a specific spirit comes and sits at the end of my bed each night, any theories?
Judging by the fact that you mentioned them sitting on the end of your bed, this happens when you are either close to falling asleep or having just woken up. This is a perfect example of hypnogogia – hypnogogic and hypnopompic imagery.
Put simply, this is a side effect of the way our brains prevent us from acting out our dreams, resulting in some bizarre effects. This psychological effect actually explain the overwhelming majority of “ghost” sightings. It’s a fascinating subject, and one that’ll make your experiences all the more intriguing, especially when you know why you’re seeing them.
Try tracking down a book called “Paranormality”, by Richard Wiseman. There’s a good introductory overview of this effect therein.
One thing I agree with you, it’s all psychological effets. There seems to be something sending signals to the brain and the resulting sensations were all created by the persons minds themselves.
And I think either this something hides in the ears or use the ears to send the signals. It’s like hypnosis, I think. Using the spirit banishing plants as I suggested greatly affect the performance of the signals or whatever creating it. Currently I have in my ears cotyon dipped in the mixed tincture of anisomeles indica and artemisia vulgaris, and the sensation of my genitals being touched and aroused is greatly diminished. Other plants like garlic may do the same. Maybe someone want to try white sage, salvia apiana?
My own experience says that it could be something, spirit or demon or whatever, passing those images or sounds or thoughts etc. The phase between sleep and waking up seems to be useful for them to do it.
Try cover your ears with spirit banishing herbs, or insert cotton dipped in its juice into your ears as I’m doing now. This should greatly reduce or diminish the effects they intend to create. The plants seem to weaken them or the effects they want to create. Don’t be scared if you then feel ill or have negative thoughts arising after that. It’s all false. Many times I felt like having a fevern but when I touched the forehead, it was normal when ot shpuld be hot. Once I touched my left side of the neck and it felt hot, then I touched the right side, and it was normal. It was all deception. Just use the plants and they will have no effect. This seems to be what black magic is, tricking the mind to think of being ill or whatever. It’s what demons or whatever seem to be capable of doing.
Hey Timon,
I would like to ask about your belief system… are you a Christian, meaning do you believe Jesus Christ is God?
The reason I’m asking is because yes, I believe we can see spirits when they want to appear before us but those spirits you see is definitely not off the dead. Once a man dies, then that’s it, his spirit doesn’t wander around in the world looking to visit his family etc…. What humans usually encounter is the demons/fallen angels that appear in a form of someone especially the deceased ones in the family to confuse the living one. Hebrews 9:27: And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment:
i see ghoest and im sick of it. it hunts me day and night and i dont know what to do. is there any expert in this page that can help me to tell them to get out of my head and i agreed with what this article says. ONCE YOU OPEN THAT DOOR IS HARD TO CLOSE IT. it’s been a year and it has traumatize me from top to bottom. no recommended for anyone to experience. D
This is going to sound harsh and insulting, but it’s not intended that way: seek medical help. “Ghosts” are a psychological effect, with most of them being directly attributed to a combination of hypnopompic and hypnagogic hallucinations and simple confirmation bias.
In isolation, this is harmless, but if it’s causing you physical, psychological or emotional distress then you need some treatment for it.
The best thing to do, ignore it and all it said.
The above is the link to the Mahakali mantra, I’ve been using it for months. Playing it greatly suppresses the spirit or whatever. And make tinctures of spirit banishing plants. Dip some cotton in it and put it into your ears. This does weaken it.
Christ J,
Why are you even on this page? Just because you haven’t had any experiences or have the perceptive abilities some of us have doesn’t mean you have to try and discredit things that don’t align with your viewpoint. Btw, I’m not going to get into a back and forth battle between this. You are free to believe whatever you think is “real” but just know, science is always changing its mind and you will always Try to rationalize through science, viewpoints that support your current beliefs.
I say it’s healthy to have criticism, a separate point of view is healthy in this case. The reason I say that is because not all paranormal experiences are “actual” experiences. There is an overwhelming amount of people out there who are claiming to have experiences when what they need to do is not focus on them and fix the issue that is causing their own brain to malfunction in seeing spirits that those who are gifted even say aren’t there.
I myself do not see spirits, and truthfully do not believe in them. I am here only because I am open to the concept and will do research from time to time.
So it may seem like heckling, but a spyware opinion is helpful in any situation. You just have to see it for what it is and use it to filter out or hone what your own opinion is.
“Christ J,
Why are you even on this page?”
Am I only allowed to comment if I advocate this stuff? That sounds remarkably prejudiced…
“Just because you haven’t had any experiences or have the perceptive abilities some of us have ”
You’re presuming that your “abilities” are, in fact, “abilities”, rather than something else. Obvious candidates include confirmation bias, malleable and revised memories, up to and including outright fraud. All of these alternative possibilities have proven to exist – there is a wealth of information concerning the various cognitive effects that can -and have proven to – lead people to believe in paranormal activity.
As an example, around 90% of claimed ghost sightings can be reliably attributed to a single psychological effect; hypnagogia.
“doesn’t mean you have to try and discredit things that don’t align with your viewpoint”
That’s the problem – I don’t have to try. These assertions discredit themselves the instant someone asks for evidence of their existence, because you are unable to provide any. You are forced to rely on your own belief, your own FEELING that they are true, and I’m afraid this has no value whatsoever.
“science is always changing its mind ”
Yes, but only when evidence supports that change. For example, we now know Newton’s equations concerning gravity to be incorrect, as Einstein proved beyond refute. What you are implying is that your beliefs should be afforded the same validity without having to conform to the same standards of evidence.
“you will always Try to rationalize through science, viewpoints that support your current beliefs.”
I have no horse in this race. I simply go where the evidence leads, and you have nothing that supports your borderline-religious beliefs on this matter. It is literally impossible for me to ever be wrong on this, because as soon as new evidence comes to light I’ll simply accept it and move along. You have far more of an emotional investment in this than I do.
I personally think you’re answer is complete and utter bull crap because I never went on anyone else’s believes in spirits.l know they are real because sense l was little i saw and heard spirits that were actually real people at one time before l even knew who they were until l looked them up on the internet.it’s either this is just a coincidence or this is prof that spirits actually exist.
I have a picture unedited, that displays a facial impression that would be left behind after placing your face up against a glass window. This face shows every wrinkle and part of the face. It also shows the face wearing sunglasses and you can see the eyeball and pupil behind the sunglasses in this glass window imprint. It is impossible to be done by real world standards. I have never heard anything of it’s kind on the web and I’m wondering if this would be physical evidence?
“I have a picture unedited, that displays a facial impression that would be left behind after placing your face up against a glass window. This face shows every wrinkle and part of the face. It also shows the face wearing sunglasses and you can see the eyeball and pupil behind the sunglasses in this glass window imprint. It is impossible to be done by real world standards. I have never heard anything of it’s kind on the web and I’m wondering if this would be physical evidence?”
No, it wouldn’t. Skeptics will stay awake at night, feeding their ulcers, trying to figure out how it was Photoshopped, or otherwise fabricated in order to debunk that which they are unable, or unwilling to accept.
You are never going to provide “physical evidence” of the paranormal to folks who will only recognize something that’s strapped to a table and dissected.
You have a rather blinkered view of what scepticism is. What you describe is “cynicism” – which you perfectly exemplify. Cynicism means that you have no intention of ever changing your mind, irrespective of what evidence is presented to you. Case in point:
“You are never going to provide “physical evidence” of the paranormal to folks who will only recognize something that’s strapped to a table and dissected.”
– you are actively denigrating an inquisitive attitude purely because it does not involve someone mindlessly accepting whatever you tell them is true.
Frankly, YOU should be demanding the same evidence as any sceptic. You should be actively seeking verifiable data that supports those kind of claims.
I think some us are born with this gift and other’s are not. I believe some can see spirit and that is part of their soul contact. My gift is helping people come to peace with their spiritual gifts, mediumship or other. I had this experience meditating with a friend where she was getting information from a spirit to pass on and I was in this zen place. I literally don’t believe I can pick up on this frequency even if I try, it is not my gift or what I’m here to do. I’m unsure if everyone can see spirit maybe if I held the intention I could learn? It is not a fear thing it is a ‘not my gift’ thing (even though my mum is able to see spirit). All I know is if you’ve got this gift you have it for a reason, to help people and souls get their message to them.
I have abilities also. I believe it has also to do with the age of your soul. The things you have learned and of course gifts from creator
I see things that haven’t happened yet and deceased people. I felt about 6 months ago that my husband of 36 years and basically of good health. I went to a psychic that I truly trust. She has been spot on several times. The first thing she asked since I tell her nothing, she asked if I have been pregrieving? It set me back a moment and I said I could be. She said I need to get all of our paperwork, POA, Wills, ect. She felt it might be something neurological. Which his memory is awful. Anyways the last couple weeks he has seen 2 dark shadows and smelled Catholic Church incense burning while he’s at work
I have never seen or heard anything supernatural. I want to but I never have. I believe in the spirit realm an in reincarnation and life between lives, but its all so much in the mind until I make an actual experience. My son used to believe in God and asked God to give him something evidencing God’s existence. My son wad in real earnest. He received nothing and has never believed in God since. I understand this because I have asked myself but to no avail. I have begged and pleaded many times in the past. I have give up but I still believe based on overwhelming evidence in the lives of others.
Recenlty I tried again. Again, no response. When nothing happens you start to question your belief system and ask yourself is it all just imagination? I can’t understand why I should HAVE to ask or to STRUGGLE. Given the spirit realm exists and its so important. why is communication with it not a natural thing, even if in a very limited way?
Feeling frustated.
This is my personal experience isn’t true whatsoever. I am not religious by any means and I have never believed in ghosts until I’ve been visited by them. I’ve seen things that some mediums cannot even explain to me, yes there was the question of schizophrenia or something of the like. God and demons have also been a part of this experience. I’m more spiritual now but I can’t say what this has led me to believe definitively. I looked into this blog to seek answers after living with a ghost, spirit or deity? For almost 6 months now. At first it was terrifying and I thought I’d lost my mind, but now we co exist. But I had to leave this comment because none of what you’ve written applies to my scenario and still I have been visited and in some form a god and demons have been brought up between myself and this ghost. I can’t say what religion because I’m not religious myself. Only the mention of a god. I look forward to seeking the meaning of all this. But I must say what’s been written does not apply to everyone.
To the skeptics and down to earth rationalists, have you ever thought about “why” exactly the concepts of science work and “why” exactly people claim to have spiritual experiences as well. Science and atheism came from the minds of man based on an entirely coincidental belief system, created AFTER religion. While it is true that perceptively rational explanations exist, there has been countless evidence of spiritual and religious encounters as well so I don’t exactly know what other evidence you’re trying to look for. The concepts of scientific theories only work because you believe they work and have been conditioned through the herd mentality to believe it works, just like everything else that the mind perceives. If you look into the anatomy of the concept of the physical and metaphysical, you can observe that regardless of the method, you will always reach the same result regardless of your belief system, that is why science can’t explain the concepts of magic, or why different people believe in different concepts yet can reach the same result through different practices. All scientific concepts were designed to explain the rationale, but how can you explain the rationale when this idea of “rationale” are simply thoughts and perceptions of reality constructed within your own mind? History has shown that there is enough evidence to suggest that there are anomalies entirely out of our control within this world and we would be foolish to ignore these experiences and try seek rational explanations within a realm of irrationality. How can you simply ignore these experiences, no one can fully explain reality because everything and everyone are connected under a universal collective consciousness, every single theory, religious practice and thought process you believe works because at the core they are all the same concepts of perception under a far greater realm of metaphysical logicalities that we cannot possibly comprehend!