Such a common question many ask throughout there life is where? First off I wanted to share that I am not taking sides here on any view, I am looking at it from a completely unbiased mind with evidence free from religious bounds and so that is where I will approach this topic as much as possible.
First Off, What Do We Know About the God Concept?
God we know is in many cultures and there are many forms of what people refer to as God. In this post however I will refer to the Christian belief system of a Human Supernatural Male type figure that is shared by many of the worlds population.
What We Know About the Concept?
God is usually seen as as divine power which is beyond our understanding which helped create the world we now know today. Throughout many religions God is very similar and in general is a he so is very male oriented. Also in general god has many traits that tend to be the same as humans. In some other religions God is neither male or female and neither human in nature. A divine name given to help connect why the universe is here and how we are part of it. That is the concept anyways.
Could the Christian Concept of God Be the Sun?
The Sun plays an integral part of society, so much that it is possible this is where Christians once got the idea of god. A light being beyond the clouds, giver of light and creator of our world. Makes sense in a way, the sun is a powerful symbol and has been worshiped over many thousands of years way before the bible or christian religion and the formation of Christianity in the early years. Could it be that the one god referred to in the Bible is simply the Sun?
Lot’s of evidence suggests so.. Maybe not as hidden as many believe.
It is a powerful case considering there is supposedly one Sun and one main God ( father ) in the bible. Not to mention, often religions formed over what we could see every day. The heavens referring to the stars and above the clouds, the sun the god, hell the underground caves. Now comes the common question back, if it is what we can see ( the Sun ) then I am sure the descriptions in the bible would be similar as well? Let’s look at that as well.
Above – Sun Rays breaking through clouds is a powerful image, rays look almost like staircases to the clouds or in a biblical term staircase to the heavens. Image source.
Out of the 130 odd references in the Bible of God as a Description, I found these ones that relate to God Being possibly the Sun.
Revelation 1:8New King James Version (NKJV)8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,”[a] says the Lord,[b] “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”Malachi 4:2
Relation – Beginning and end of day like the Sun.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
2 “But for you who [a]fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.
Matthew 26:64
Relation – Rising Sun, they used the term wings as no one back then would understand why it rose each day.
New King James Version (NKJV)
64 Jesus said to him, “It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
John 8:12
Relation – Coming out of the clouds, heaven is the sky and Sun appearing.
New King James Version (NKJV)
12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
John 1:29
Relation – Light of the world, meaning the Sun..
The Lamb of God
29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
James 1:17
Relation – Saw the Sun rising. Light meaning good taking away fear.
New King James Version (NKJV)
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
James 1:17
Relation – Father of lights, supreme light, biggest star in the sky, the Sun.
New King James Version (NKJV)
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
Genesis 1:1
Relation – Cannot hide from the Sun and yes it is powerful, father meaning largest star in sky or heaven. Back then heaven is the same name as what we call now the sky. The gift is the growth of plants so we can all eat.
New King James Version (NKJV)
The History of Creation
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Relation – Heaven is the sky and no mention of the Sun which is so dominant, therefore evidence would suggest God is the Sun as it is the element left out.
Luke 1:78
New King James Version (NKJV)
78 Through the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Dayspring from on high has visited[a] us;
Relation – Day spring was a way of saying a spring day, they commonly put words around the opposite way. From high has visited us, the Sun is high and visits every day or day spring.
Revelation 22:16
New King James Version (NKJV)
16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
John 6:48
Relation – Jesus mentions he is a star which makes sense, May suggest Jesus is the second largest star in the sky, his father a star also but bigger, the Sun.
New King James Version (NKJV)
48 I am the bread of life.
Revelation 19:11
Relation – This is a loose interpretation, bread of life referring to growth and need, plants need Sun to grow and give wheat to make bread.
New King James Version (NKJV)
Christ on a White Horse
11 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.
Exodus 3:2
Relation – The sky opened and there was the Sun..
New King James Version (NKJV)
2 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed.
Relation – Sun behind tree.
Exodus 14:19
New King James Version (NKJV)
19 And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them.
Relation – Sun behind cloud.
Daniel 7:9
New King James Version (NKJV)
Vision of the Ancient of Days
9 “I watched till thrones were put in place,
And the Ancient of Days was seated;
His garment was white as snow,
And the hair of His head was like pure wool.
His throne was a fiery flame,
Its wheels a burning fire;
Relation – Description of circular shape of the Sun, a wheel was often used instead of circle. The name circle came later.
Above – Zeitgeist goes over more on the concept of the SUN being the original idea of God.
Important Advice – People often get confused by believing that the original Bible is a supernatural book written by God himself. The truth is if it was, it would not be made of paper and ink of the time of writing as all other books made at the time. Carbon dating and evidence suggests it was written in the same form as how people wrote in that time period.This evidence suggests that the Bible is a book written by humans, so like other books it can never be used as evidence for historical events that took place unless it is backed by other forms of evidence.
So, Where is God?
Looking at the evidence it is quite possible in Christian religion that God is right there, just not in the form that many have have been told by there church. Back in the old days it was very simple times and stories would of made it easier to help understand the concept of what we could see but did not understand. I mean science was not there then to help explain some of the needed questions of life.
The stars therefore held the stories for the people, the Sun, the Moon, constellations, nearly everything. The God concept helped try to answer questions about the stars and beyond.
So, where is God and is the concept real? Well, I will let you decide that one as there are many ways of looking at it really. Let’s try to answer some more questions..?
Where is God When Suffering is Happening?
We live in a world of suffering for many people, famine, kids getting Cancer, kids starving in Africa, war in Iraq. It is hard to see a concept of divine power that does not intervene in times of trouble. I mean, if someone had done good all there life why do so many suffer. This is a major flaw of the whole human like God concept. A God that makes decisions would surely be one to step in during times of need.
Above – Where is God while evil corporations rule..? McDonalds as an example is responsible for so many deaths due to promoting unhealthy eating.
Then in western culture people often pray to solve money issues and debt problems, to fix marriages, when in comparison a kid dying for no good reason has no options. The concept that we can talk to a being and they will help has issues and contradictions all through it. Why rely on something where no evidence of help exists? The if you do get an answer or help is it possible that is your own spiritual self helping yourself more so than some supernatural man above in the clouds. That is where manifestation comes in again.
Of course a dying kid will call to anyone for help before there life is taken. How often does this supposed figure answer? When we look at the deaths counts, it is hard to argue that God either simply does not care, or is a human figure made up by humans that does not exist. I mean why allow kids to suffer, people to go through extreme famine and then allow greedy corporations to thrive? Then to top it off, the kid that recently in America went on another school killing spree.
There is no answers there, only human nature and that the answer points to that we are all alone when it comes to the concept of God as a human figure. Now do not misread what I say hear, I am not saying that there is no divine connection of energy that connects all things across the universe, I am only referring to the human figure concept of this divine concept. A human figure deciding what is right or wrong, judging or whatever just does not make sense with how the world is.
It is hard to argue with starvation or corruption. I mean, what is the point in the end?
Being More Spiritual is Key Here..
Ending notes, we all need to be more in tune with ourselves, our inner spiritual aspect, many religions have drowned us in false beliefs and structures and has allowed many to suffer for no reason. We need to focus on the spiritual aspect inside ourselves,to meditate daily, being good to others, helping people where we can. Trying not to rely on a story or myth that moves you away from your own spiritual path..
It is easy to say or think this Deity or that Deity will help those in need, it takes away personal responsibility to help others.. But, how can none of us take responsibility based on that assumption? And, what if you are wrong with your beliefs, it means more will suffer and more endless corruption.
What are your thoughts, are you religious or undecided..? How do you feel about the current suffering and corruption in the world? Do you feel you have no control or that you are ruled by your own religion? Let me know what you think..
Hey Timon,
I am a Christian and I believe you really summed this up well.. While I am christian I choose to not believe in a Human figure because simply it does not make sense in our world with what we know, more so I believe in intelligent consciousnesses which is similar to what you suggest in your post above.
With your concept of the Sun possibly being the original God concept, this is one I have never pondered on and blows my mind with the assessment.
Thanks for sharing your ideas and concepts. I will bookmark and share with others.
Refreshing post, I love how you did your research here with your relations to the Sun being the possible original concept.
Well thought out and makes sense.
@Ben and @Sandra – Thanks for the positive comments, such a controversial subject because so many have been conditioned to seeing everything a certain way. Thanks Ben for commenting as a Christian and being open minded as well. Much appreciated.
I am glad this post helped you both. Been planning on writing a while and spent a lot of time studying the subject first before laying out this possible theory.
Have a nice day
Hi Tim, I like your common links to worship and the sun, but would like to note that the concept of “god” or the “god head” figure that is raised above all others, is a very new concept as the vast majority of cultures other than christianity do not recognise a singular being but tend toward a pathanon of deities each with aspects of existance attributed to each, yet all a part of a ‘Cycle’. the term “god” is a disrespectful terminology to any being of power, as all beings are part of the ‘Cycle’, including Jahovah aka The deciever and the only being to claim “god” as his title in efforts to escape his own responsabilities as an Esiria(the guardian beings of existance)within the cycle.
This is also the reasoning behind why christians have commited genocide against so many cultures and peoples of whom lived within the cycle, to cut off influence of the other Esiria and destroy any record of their having existed, disrupting the natural Cycle of this world and creating an imbalance of energies toward that of Jehovah, The Deciever,Destroyer of Etenity.
Now mankind are slaves. without the forbidden knowledge of TRUTH.
Good Points.. I wanted to add that in the bible there is also a reference which suggests more than one god also.
Here it is below –
Genesis 1:26-27, which states “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; – To me it looks like the Church totally took that out of reference..
The emphasis on Our meaning more than one.. Odin, Thor, Zuez, etc, Freya.. Or the Egyptian which is an older religion according to the Book of the Dead, Thoth, Isis, etc, etc.. Looks like the Bible just took ideas from many other ancient religions and formed other religions on that. Hindu, Christianity or Judaism.. etc.. All derivatives of translations probably based on stories before them.. Of course they added other stories, but the basis in a way..
“stories”(beliefs) naturally change as they are passed around like folk tales and myths but christianity actively seeks out”stories” of other cultures and changes their “stories” to suit their own agendas which is a bit different to a simple case of religious ‘Chinese whispers’and more a case of mass cultural plagiarism.
Missionaries spreading the word of “god” would take localised customs/traditions of other cultures and adopt them in a chistian/godly way as to sway locals away from their native traditions and values, all to spread the influence/values of the church. this assimulation of other cultures & their traditions while changing the focus of power away from local authorities and toward the church. this is why there are over 1000 different sects of christianity each with its own set of rules/sins/laws many of which contradict each other between sects, yet all offer the same reward or insentive, of becoming ONE with “god”.
if Y=you(1 unit),G=”god”(1 unit) then what happens to Y when; Y+G=1?
simple math shows that “god” devours the willing souls of the faithful and thus remains being 1 while you are consumed.
If 1+1=2 then christianity is not for you.
Hey Luke,
Welcome to my site on the Occult thinking process and this debate on “Where is God”
I don’t think any religion really offer the reward as you put it, they promise it by creating control over another humans mind, however only free thinking can liberate the control which is essential in all forms of spiritual development. If one holds onto some belief system of control in there lives by a book or religious means, then in a way they are prisoners to that belief system. Making what is simple spiritual progress of say meditation daily into a complete rule system.
That is truly what most religions do. Put us in boxes of belief. In a sense they are a marketing act of future control. Make someone fear death or life or actions to the point where spiritual aspect is so closed off in that they do not see the obvious which is right in front of them.. Spiritual growth is right there in front of all of us, all we need to do is let go of all these belief systems in order to seize it fully..
Have a nice day..;)
Either we have Free Will, or we don’t. We can’t have it both ways. We choose to help our neighbors, or we take advantage of them. G-d doesn’t cause bad things to happen, we do & have.
Son & sun are to different things. Heaven is NOT in the clouds (Heaven, as in where G-d resides. A way of looking at it is multi dimensional. Or, on a different light wave which we are not capable of seeing, which they can choose to show themselves (angels) or not.
Thanks Heather for your comment.
It is important to look at all the facts of what we know in any assessment. A Man in the clouds is the common story portrayed by the church as well as in the bible many times like in the above descriptions i have added to this post.. If you have a different perspective then that is your perspective based on what you want to believe.. Emphasis on what you want to believe.. There is no right or wrong religion, they are all basically similar in nature.. Throughout history most religions were formed on what we can see and cannot argue and not so much as what we know.. As an example in this post referring to the one Sun, One God theory..
As an example, from many aspects of where the bible came from is the Book of the Dead, I recommend reading it hey. Older than the bible and it says on many occasions God can be seen and shown and not ignored beyond the clouds and a bright light. Obvious reference to the Sun there.. The more one correlates it is hard to not see the many similarities over and over.. Even names are similar. All theory still of course but hard to debate with the evidence..
Many aspects in the bible copied the sun god concept, this is all theory of course so make up your own mind.. The evidence suggests however some powerful correlations..
Have a nice day
Timon- first, I would like to say- Thank you! Thank you for being up for discussion! I got that ‘feeling’ reading through your posts & comments. I also got the feeling that you are still seeking- meaning, I got the feeling that part of your motivation behind this blog (or, at least, some of your posts, which I read… Or, maybe, it evolved into this) was to gain more information. Desiring intelligent discussion. I could be wrong… It is just the initial feeling I recvd.
Ok- so, yes. You are correct that most Christian churches teach “the Man in the clouds”. Some teach this to children, as an “easier” way of trying to describe; others, teach this through out, though usually metaphorically- but, never truly departing from this. I know this is the way I was taught.
I understand why, but I don’t agree w/ doing this. It placed my spirituality, & faith in God, into SERIOUS jeopardy! Thankfully, God chose to use my children as a way of bringing me back to Him. (I will expand in a follow up)
You mention that there is no right or wrong answer…. Sadly, this is becoming a more & more common perception/ deception. Do you believe that there is objective Truth? Or, in Subjective/ Relativism? You see, if there is a Creator, & that Creator wants to know us, wants us to have a relationship w/ Him, then His Truth is THE ONLY Truth- regardless if one wants to believe it, or knows about it. Can we agree w/ this?
And, if there is a Creator, & His Truth is THE Truth, than, not all religions are true, thus, it does matter… Yes?
Now, I did get pulled into the “Sun” god/ paganism type argument for awhile. However, before I delve into this, how does the Bible claim the God is a sun god? I do not recall reading any statement like that, in the Bible :/.
God is described as Light… As Living/ Loving light. However, not the sun. Could you expand a bit?
Hey Heather,
The bible cannot say the Sun because no one even had a clue what the sun was at the time.. Here are common phrases to ponder, he walks with god.. he walks with the sun.. God rose and then left, sun rose and then left at night.. God and his angels.. Sun and the stars.. Jesus shone like his father.. The Sun and the largest star in the sky.. The evidence for this theory comes from previous religions at the time. Sun god was powerful and yet none at the time knew it was a sun. They just called it god as it gave life every day, could grow crops, clean water, give warmth, make trees grow, without it the Earth is in trouble. The Sun makes sense, yet like i say it is a well documented theory and i do not think it makes us less spiritual at all..
In fact it helped me grow excepting flaws in all these stories.
As for my guidance in life, I have read the Bible three times, read the Book of the Dead twice which is older than the Bible, read the Dead Sea Scrolls, Read the Book of Solomon, Studied in depth Norse mythology and Greek mythology and so I have had the benefit of viewing all sides from the outside and what I found from my own perspective is that most of them are basically similar in nature.
Other than that my view is spiritual, none the less, i see a connection in everything on Earth and Beyond as that is what i feel in Meditation and in everyday life, learning to live in the now in a way. Meditation is basically the same a prayer, however what priests say are prayer and what the Dead Sea Scrolls say is prayer are two different things.
Have a nice day..
Another important point. Either we are gods, and worship ourselves and try to reach enlightenment (absolutely no evidence to support such a thing. Pretty sure I’d remember if I created the universe), or, there is a Creator. If there is a Creator (which all evidence points too), then there are rules and consequences. We choose to follow or we don’t. We choose to be w/ G-d, by doing what He has asked, or we choose to worship ourselves, and spend eternity away from the loving light & our Creator.
Christianity, once one truly starts researching the religions, is the only one that makes sense… And if true, then is the Bible accurate- true evidence says yes. So, which Church did Christ promise to protect His Word in (by all the denominations that have sprung up, we know that not all are protected- & by “protected” I’m NOT claiming the its perfect! Humans are not perfect! And of course evil would try its hardest to destroy it). So we look at which one(s) have evidence of being around closest to the time of Jesus? Which one hasn’t changed its dogma to suit human desires (abortion/ same sex marriage/ divorce/ etc)? And, there you go.
Hey Heather,
Thanks for the feedback. Can i ask what evidence suggests a human figure creator..?
I can concept the theory of a energy creator, non human that resides everywhere, as i am spiritual myself and that is my own beliefs.. However the concept of a human figure i don’t see any evidence to support such theory..
I would love it to be true though, would love other Gods like Zeus and Odin and Freya to be real as well however they too are similar theories which have no evidence as well.. What i do know as real though is the spiritual aspect of life and myself connected to it all.
You also mention Jesus which I hope was real just like Odin or Thor however even him no evidence exists. I love the concept and story. Maybe he was a real man, however maybe so was Odin and Zeus and Egyptian Gods. The truth is no one can know.
In the end it all comes down to evidence, we can all agree there.. Other pondered questions are, why out of all famous writers in the days of Jesus none wrote about him until much later after his death..
Could God just simply be the concept of the Sun behind clouds giving life to the Earth, i mean we need the sun and it is one and all powerful… Secondly, could Jesus just be the largest star in the sky and the story to depict where that star is..?
Also the virgin Mary in the star system Virgo or the three kings being the three stars that could be used for guidance at night.. The moon something else, i think you get my point.. All theories but reasonable theories when not enough evidence exists..
Like i said i would love to be proven that Jesus was alive just like Odin or Thor or Freya ( Norse gods )..
— With your question we are all gods or there is a god creator as two options..? Good question. It is possible we are all creating to an extent the universe with our thoughts alone. However it is also possible it is neither. It is also possible that Christian religion is wrong and Norse religion is right as well..?
With all these, i would like to believe that we are creating the world as we go but like i said i would like to believe, but no one knows for sure exactly..
Have a nice day..
I will respond more, but wanted to understand what you meant by a “human figure creator”? Is this Jesus?
The interesting thing is…. Only in recent times has the existence of Jesus ever been questioned (& not be true Historians). This had never been questioned, by any historian/ theologian/ philosopher. The evidence for Jesus is more overwhelming than for ANY historical person! The first writings were but 39-40yrs after the crucifixion of Jesus- and this is from the disciples. Pontius Pilate wrote of Him, Jewish elders, of that time, wrote of Him. His existence had never been questioned (again, until recently).
Here is one- Reporting on Emperor Nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed Rome in A.D. 64, the Roman historian Tacitus wrote:
“Nero fastened the guilt . . . on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of . . . Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome. . . ”
Another- 114A.D. Pliny, not sure what to do w/ the growing number of those accused of being Christians-
“They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food–but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.”
Josephus- Another reference to Jesus outside the Bible can be found in the writings of Josephus, a first century Jewish historian. On two occasions, in his Jewish Antiquities, he mentions Jesus. The second, less revealing, reference describes the condemnation of one “James” by the Jewish Sanhedrin. This James, says Josephus, was “the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ.” F.F. Bruce points out how this agrees with Paul’s description of James in Galatians 1:19 as “the Lord’s brother.” And Edwin Yamauchi informs us that “few scholars have questioned” that Josephus actually penned this passage. (NOTE- James is NOT brother, as in, Sibling/ blood relation… This is evident when reading the Bible- though, this is yet another push…
As interesting as this brief reference is, there is an earlier one, which is truly astonishing. Called the “Testimonium Flavianum,” the relevant portion declares:
“About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he . . . wrought surprising feats. . . . He was the Christ. When Pilate . . .condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared . . . restored to life. . . . And the tribe of Christians . . . has . . . not disappeared.”
There are more… But, I’ll wait for your clarification.
Hey Heather,
Thanks for the comments.. I have read and will try to answer as best as i can.. Firstly I wanted to say thank you for this discussion, I appreciate all feedback here and love hearing different peoples perspective.
My response to this comment:
All the reports above would you agree are Roman origin..? I love Roman history, always been a fan of it. This is what i find concerning though, during the time after the Jesus story Rome needed to figure out a way to create control of its people. At that time war was almost constant, the story of Jesus and Christian marketing was a great solution to that time. So when it comes to evidence and this is evidence, it is evidence that can also be biased to how Rome wanted to change. Took around 100 or more years according to history from Jesus’s sacrifice before christian religion was started to be adopted by Rome. Before that Pagan religion was quite dominant and sacrificing cows and goats and even humans ( in some cultures ). Many people were sacrificed as punishment or for religious reasons even before the start of Christianity so it is possible that Rome adopted this religion, made it theirs as a way for controlling the masses.
In order to do this many stories would have had to have been either made up or loosely based on real people of the time.
With that being said like i said in my previous comment, I would love it to be proven, however written documents can be easily miss read especially during those times. As an example, there are so many stories of apparently real characters such as Odin and Zeus by well written writers back in the day, but so many do not see as evidence as it is only written, so how can we choose what is right or wrong? I mean, how does one decide to believe as fact? Many evidences suggest Odin existed but how can we know exactly without seeing more than just written evidence as evidence.
What evidence would be needed is other evidence other than written evidence.
Things to ponder.
Hey Heather,
Missed this question of yours – With the Human Creator figure I am referring to the concept of God in the Bible being a human looking like man.. However I know this can come down to interpretation by many Christians, so this post is more for the ones that believe God is a Human like figure to ponder on.. To other modern day Christians such as alternate Christians the belief was allowed to be changed to the concept of intelligent energy source that is not human in any way.. So, so many different versions of interpretation.
Here is another interesting quote shared with me from the Covenants section in the Bible –
And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth…”
When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will look upon it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.” God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.”
— Could this quote refer to what we now know as a Rainbow..? Look at the image and words to describe.. Bow, clouds, etc.. Looks compelling especially since many people would not of known what a Rainbow was.
RAIN-BOW – A beautiful colored formation in sky usually after rain and light refracting causing colors in the form of a Bow. Can be created manually with a garden hose or be seen at waterfalls as well..