Occult Books – Recommendations

Looking for quality books on the Occult other than keeping up with updates on this blog. Below is a list of suggested books to check out if you are looking for more on the subject.

Occult Symbols


Let’s take a closer look at the symbols or symbology of the Occult.. First of all what are Occult symbols, are they just symbols used to create focus for the energy or are they a belief system to protect us from negative energies or are they both…?  Basically an Occult symbol is a symbol, which holds power or hidden value … Read more

Finally Science is Starting to Recognise Human Energy

With the new forms of science, such as quantum physics starting up,  new doors are opening to the understanding of what every human is made of… Simply put — Energy.. What will this change in science as we understand this more, maybe this can be the beginning to a new world of understanding..? The major study that was done was … Read more

Is the Occult Evil or Bad?

Why do so many relate to the Occult being an Evil or Bad word..? Is it because so many are afraid of what is hidden or is it because when people do not understand a topic it is easy to just label it this way and get on with life.. Personally I think the study of the unknown, is a … Read more

Is Bigfoot Real…?

Is Bigfoot Real…? We have all heard of the Bigfoot story, the giant man like creature living in the mountains in many countries around the world.. What do we know about it, Is it possible..? Let’s have a look at all the facts. and some theories. First of all there are many testimonies and sightings reports, this is one form … Read more

Do Ghosts mean we are Immortal?

Have you ever seen a Ghost..? What does it mean to us..? Does it mean we are all going there upon death or is something else.. If we do become ghosts does that mean we are all immortal…? Interesting question, leads indicate to yes… Ghosts and Immortality If you have ever had experience with ghosts or hauntings, it indicates that … Read more

Death – The Ultimate Check Out!

We are all ultimately moving towards death, the physical life’s cycle… Many refer to it as the ultimate check out, the last journey, but is it..? Is it the last experience we have or is it just another learning curve for our energy..? Many facts point to it be another, I will tell you why..? Firstly let’s look at the … Read more