Astral Projection and Time Travel

As I have mentioned in many previous posts Astral Projection is the technique of the spirit leaving the body and travelling any distance. It commonly happens accidentally in dreams to everyone and is a part of life however there are many ways to induce this practice and many studies reveal it can even take us back in time. This is … Read more

Natures Healing Effects in Meditation

Nature is an amazing thing. It is where we all are from and is so different to the modern world. Have a lot of us lost this connection to what is real? To how life used to be lived in nature, in balance without the modern pressures. So many different elements to life now exist and if you ask me … Read more

Did Antonio Villas Boas have a Alien Sexual Encounter?

One controversial alien abduction case is a case from back in 1957 of Brazilian Antonio Villas Boas. By his story he was farming his field late one day and saw strange lights hovering around his filed. He then saw an object land near his tractor. So he stopped his tractor to investigate. A few moments later he was then escorted … Read more

Obama may release the Secret UFO Files?

obama ufo disclosure of secret ufo files

Here is an Interesting story for you.. Many special interest groups have been appealing to the new President Obama about the disclosure of the secret UFO files once and for all. Whether he does it or not we will soon find out. However many believe that even the secret ufo files may have been tampered with and so disclosure is … Read more

Roswell UFO Crash Testimonies and Evidence


In this post I hope to reveal some more Roswell evidence to my readers. So far in previous posts I have gone over what the county experienced yet not so much over what key eye witnesses or UFO experts said about the overall theory. In the video below it exposes a bit more on the truth of what happened at … Read more

Wunjo Rune of Joy and Hope – Occult Symbols

wunjo rune of joy and hope

The viking rune Wunjo is another ancient occult symbol. This rune is very powerful and has been used throughout the ages. If unsure of what the runes are exactly, I mentioned this in a previous post on Algiz the Rune of protection. A brief  history of runes goes like this – Runes are very old powerful occult symbols that originated … Read more

Mass UFO Sighting in Trumbull County Ohio!

trumbull county ufo

Another case to add to the UFO casebook is the Trumbull Mass UFO County case in Ohio. This was a massive sighting between hundreds of people in the county area all seeing the same flying object. Interestingly in this case a few police officers that were called to investigate the scene all reported the same as well. “The object was … Read more