Are Black Holes Portals to Other Universes?

black hole theory

(Artistic Worm Hole depiction of the black hole..) Science is revealing many wondrous facts and theories about the universe. One such theory that interests me a great deal is the theory on Black Holes being Portals or Worm holes between universes. Interestingly, many scientists report this as not just a theory of radical thought and that it could be a … Read more

Secrets of the Occult!

The Secrets of the Occult is a online video (below) focused on a better understanding of the Occult and how it has passed through history. It is definitely a recommended watch to understand more about the conditioning of how the Occult is seen today and how the secrets the Occult studies in the past, revealed new technologies and science for … Read more

Occult Ceremonies on the Spiritual Road

No matter where you go in the world, Occult ceremonies or rituals are happening everywhere. They may all be under different names or different religions, but they all serve one purpose if done positively, a stronger connection to the energies around us. Occult Ceremonies and Rituals With that all said I will give some examples of ceremonies — in catholic … Read more

Occult Powers | What are Occult Powers?

what are occult powers

What are Occult Powers? First of all, even if you are a skeptic I am sure by the end of this article you will agree there is something amazing going on in the world and have a better understanding of the Occult mysterious world..  Read on.. Okay so let me begin, what are Occult Powers? The occult as I have … Read more

New Crop Circles – Documentary

Crop circles are still happening everyone. Below is compiled a recent documentary at looking at this phenomena, it goes for a while so feel free to grab a coffee, some food and enjoy..   Scientific Study still indicates most of these circles are not made by humans. So what is it exactly? Magnetic fields, Ufos, Alien Communication or Glowing orbs.. … Read more