What is the Illuminati?

The Illuminati and New World Order are a mystery to many of us, are they a real organisation, do they still exist, or were they just stories? Also, were they linked to the Occult practices or not? What we do know from the stories however is that they were a religious based secret organisation that is believed to have secretly … Read more

Can you Become Sensitive to Paranormal Activity?

 how to be more sensitive to paranormal activity

Throughout my life I have always been very sensitive to paranormal activity. It all started when I was younger, my mum had it and so I believe she passed it onto me. I often hear the statement I want to be  more sensitive or I want to see more, so that is what this post is about, how to be … Read more

What is an Intelligent Haunting?

intelligent haunting

An intelligent haunting is when a spirit or ghost wants to be noticed and has an intelligence about it. A good example of an intelligent haunting is when a spirit or ghost wishes to communicate and patterns form where it indicates interaction in this time. Hence Intelligent interaction.. An Intelligent Spirit or Ghost will Interact. These types of ghosts and … Read more

What is a Residual Haunting?

residual haunting

Have you ever wondered what a residual haunting is, if you have you have come to the right place. A residual haunting is when a ghost keeps doing the same thing over and over again from something they did in the past when they were alive. A Residual Haunt is like a Replay in Time.. A particular time is common … Read more

Australian Bigfoot Spotted near Sydney

Ingrid Schon 23, of Germany and Adi Hassan, 22 of France reportedly see a Bigfoot. Near Sydney recently two travelling backpackers were trekking in Leura a small town near Katoomba in the blue mountains – “the three sisters area“. Upon returning home after there day long trek in the late afternoon, they reportedly were startled by loud noises and cracks … Read more