Well, another update for the Alien lovers out there. Recently i was shared by one of my readers here at Occult Blogger this quite spooky video of some recent Alien activity. The question most of us will ask almost straight away is are these shots of evidence real.
…Well, I will leave that up to you to decide there, all I can say is with today’s technology in video editing almost anything can be created or faked so bare that in mind when watching.
The below video comprises of a number of videos that are supposedly Grey’s as well for those that are wondering. These types of Aliens have been reported by research as the non friendly type of alien that has at times been responsible for supposed abduction’s to mutilating cows to planting chips in the back of peoples necks.
Above – Artists Impression of a Alien
Let me know what you think of the Video above by commenting your thoughts below.
Must be trickery……
Hey Tim, how are this fine day?
My own opinion of this video is one of scepticism. I’ve watched said video, and my conclusion that it’s a cheap reproduction of an event that never happened. But, I do commend them for their efforts.
As immense as our galaxy is, or about 100, 000 thousand light years across, I’ve no doubt that there are other civilizations, but the question is:
How would one traverse the vast distances between stars?
Would any civilizations have lived long enough to make such journeys possible?
And how would said astronaut be able to resist smaller forms of life that, most likely would be hazardous to ones own health?
I agree.. And I am good thanks, and you? I think the biggest signs of evidence of Aliens are crop circles, however yes i agree the civilization would have to be so much more advanced than us in order to have conquered space travel but at the same time what we know about science now would of been much like science fiction 100 years ago, so only time is the answer there..
Good point on disease as well, could it be also as well that Aliens are in suits and are much smaller. The suits protecting them like our space suits.?
You might try looing up E.C.E.T.I. Ranch (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Located in Trout Lake Washington near Mt Adams and bordering the Yakima Indian Reservation. Also our own government workers who have stepped up and blown the whistle about UFO’s. I and my eldest have been to ECETI twice. I’ve seen a large cluster of orbs settled before us and then gently leave. So much air craft coming out the the top of Mt Adams. There are plenty of videos on the site as well.
Love your blog so far. I even used a quote of yours from the Atlantis article in a fb thread. I also put your blog name on the thread and you may have some more views
Thanks for the feedback Amanda.
I personally believe that to think we are the only and most intelligent life on any planet in this cosmos is rather naive. Who knows what advanced science and technologies there are “out there”, the possibility of folding space, inter-dimensional travel or even “people” already on this planet before us as a race? the possibilities are endless.
Intelligent life just may come in many forms not all human based?
Quick comment upon the video, sorry but not convinced in any way by any of it. Too much can be done with apps etc to take anything on face value when it comes to videos and photo’s.