The Powers of Psychic Love and Telepathy

women meditating

I recently received a interesting question from a reader in email and thought I would share: Hello Timon, I would like to enquire about some rituals, i am writing a book about two people (it’s based on real life but with a twist) which form a psychic bond together and are able to communicate telepathically and also they have additional powers, one has … Read more

How Many Doors Of Reality Exist?

dreams lucid
dreams lucid

A question was thrown at me recently and was one worth pondering for all us Occult addicts and that is on the concept of reality and how many doors or levels exist in this world? This question first of all has been pondered for many thousands of years, whole religions were based around it and its theories and so it … Read more

How to Control Psychic Abilities?

So, you have Psychic Abilities, you are probably wondering now if there are ways of controlling it? That is great if that is so because this is the first step in the right direction. Many will fight what they have and in the end have to deal with it one way or another. Don’t misread this, there are ways of hiding from it … Read more

Norse Creation Myth

stave church

One of the oldest religions and myths is the Norse Creation Myth. It was the basis of Viking life and was considered the common religion many thousands of years ago. Interestingly enough you can see by listening to the story below that the Norse Creation story has similarities to ancient pagan religion and thus also similarities to Christianity as well. This makes … Read more

Lucid Dreaming – How To Do It Guide


Below is a list of ways to help induce the chance of more frequent lucid dreaming. If you are unsure what lucid dreaming is firstly, it is when we become aware that we are sleeping in our dream allowing us to access higher levels of consciousness and also allowing us to enter into the astral plane more easily. Lucid dreaming is a form … Read more