Chi Energy Shown Live on Video

Have you heard of Chi? If not, that is okay, it is a form of energy that is within us all. By harnessing it many believe that we can heal, move objects, cause fire or move objects. While there is always going to be sceptics in any field, it is always good to have an open mind to what Chi … Read more

Paranormal Activity 3 Movie Trailer

paranormal activity 3

For those of you looking for one of the latest Paranormal Ghost flicks, then you may want to check out the latest movie from the Paranormal Activity film series. It sets around the similar film style in relation to the first movie with some aspects from the previous movies coming into the third. Below is the official film trailer of … Read more

Was This A Real Flying Girl?

Have you ever wanted to fly? Well here is an interesting topic for you, earlier this year in Russia a bit of footage was produced that is claimed to be authentic. In the footage it shows a Russian man walking his dog in the forest and accidentally stumbling on what appears to be a girl practicing to fly. What has … Read more

Hanover Haunting – Real Story of a Persistent Haunting

Over the recent weeks I have been in touch with a reader called Deanna Simpson about her house in Hanover. You may of heard of it before from a TV series starred on Animal Planet called The Haunted.

A episode dedicated to her house was on there called A Killer From The Grave. It is a very popular Animal planet show that documents and reenacts peoples story and haunted house experiences from around the US.

The Haunted: Return From the Grave
Her story is about her house in Hanover, at the end of the show they do a good cleansing of the house and it appears for a number of weeks and months everything has gone back to normal, however over time the house starts to become active again. Below is our emails talking back and forth and also some recent images revealing ghostly images from around the house. For those that are feint of heart or do not want to believe in ghosts it may be best to not read any further as the images and her story may be confronting.

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How to Make a Real Haunted House?

Some things should not be played with and one of those things is haunted houses. You may think it is okay to think a haunted house may be fun or interesting, however to those that have or do live in one it is a whole other story. I suppose it may be the movies or TV that makes it sound interesting or maybe even that they are a skeptic to the point they want to prove it to themselves. Whatever the reason a real haunted house in reality is a much different question.

In this post i wanted to ponder on the concept of creating a real haunted house. Not a subject to take lightly and not a subject that i reckon anyone should try either. So anyways, this post is about is it possible to a make a real haunted house.?

My quick response is yes and i will describe why i believe so.. First of all not all haunted houses are created by a death or tragedy.. Sometimes they are from ghosts that are attracted to one of the residents. This could of been from a previous dwelling or living or situation in the past that now the spirit has strength enough to try to communicate in the new house. Secondly spirits are everywhere, let’s face it, think of all the people that die every second around the world and it only is getting more and more higher the occurrence of death. While a lot of spirits may move on straight away to the other side, there would be a lot that would still stay or linger until they felt ready to move on fully.. Some maybe never wanting to move on..

haunted house

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Paranormal Happenings

Paranormal happenings are part of life.. We either ignore these experiences or if you want to delve further you can record what happens to you and see if there is a pattern. Sometimes it may be coincidence and other times it may be paranormal. The truth is you can never know for sure unless you write down your experiences. To … Read more