Rune Meditation

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One form of meditation I would like to share is a form I like to call Rune Meditation. Similar to other meditations it involves focusing on breath, sitting upright with the added difference of using the runes once the mind has been quietened. The use of runes is different to many forms of magic, they are tools of the mind … Read more

6 Ways to Improve Your Meditation Practices

Meditation is a powerful key to many aspects of life. It quietens the mind, allows us to tune our spiritual self better and increases our spiritual awareness. It also is a powerful healer, physically and spiritually and has the power to change many aspects of ones life to a more positive outcome. In times of need meditation can help one find answers to questions that in a non meditated mind one would be daunted by.

When one first starts meditation (Meditation for Beginners) it’s like anything one does, you may stumble, you may make mistakes but in time you will get better and better. Think of it like baby steps. Thoughts, stresses and noise may get in the way and it’s often hard to concentrate, especially if you don’t know what you should to be doing exactly, seeing, feeling or otherwise.

For a Psychic, a Medium, a Occultist or Someone looking for inner understanding (deep spiritual path), meditation is essential. It helps them tune themselves better for what aspects of themselves or spiritual energies they use. In a way like a spiritual fuel.

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Meditation Techniques

It seems like such a long time ago now… I was young when my parents first introduced me to what meditation was. I was around 6 years old and was very curious. My parents studied the practice for many years in Australia, so seeing them meditate in there room or in private was common for me, in a way i … Read more

How Long Should One Meditate?

How long should one Meditate?

The answer to how long in time one should meditate is an interesting one? This really depends totally on you.  I can however give you a basic guide based on my experience that I recommend for those new to the practice. First of all, my first mediation experience happened when I was in year 5 primary school, I was about … Read more

Natures Healing Effects in Meditation

Nature is an amazing thing. It is where we all are from and is so different to the modern world. Have a lot of us lost this connection to what is real? To how life used to be lived in nature, in balance without the modern pressures. So many different elements to life now exist and if you ask me … Read more